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"His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; 
Great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22 & 23
 Located in Northumberland, PA
Call us today at 570-473-0500

Homegrown Community Garden

Homegrown Community Garden

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What is a Community Garden?

A community garden is a piece of land that is designated for the collective establishment, maintenance, and gardening of appropriated land. Individuals in the community contribute to the garden sponsoring the garden and caring for the plants. In turn, the participating community members can collect produce from the garden for their own personal consumption.

Benefits of Gardening & Using Nature as Medicine

Gardening is an activity that promotes physical activity for all age groups. Gardening is particularly beneficial for senor citizens, as evidence in studies of horticultural therapy. Horticultural therapy is a technique in which participants engage in gardening activities in order to improve their quality of life; mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. This therapeutic practice is shown to improve balance, cognitive function, socialization through enhanced intergenerational interactions, muscle strength, mental health, cardiac function, and much more.

Goals of the Project: 
Emmanuel’s Homegrown Community Garden will …

  1. Foster collaboration among profit and non-profit businesses, organizations and schools within Northumberland, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. 
  2. Promote the health and wellness of community members through the production and consumption of healthy produce. 
  3. Increase the activity level of Emmanuel Home residents and community members through garden maintenance. 
  4. Engage the minds of children, teenagers, adults, and older adults across the lifespan by understanding the processes necessary for establishing and caring for a garden. Participants can learn new skills or regain skills that may have been lost. 
  5. Create intergenerational relationships – bridge the gap between the older population and the younger individuals within the community by establishing friendships. This would increase the emotional well-being of many people.
Please consider partnering with Emmanuel Home in the Homegrown Community Garden Project. Call us today or make your tax deductible donation online. 

Planting seeds in more ways than one… I Corinthians 3:6-9 

Gardening  physical activity
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